Monday, September 6, 2010

Are you reading this??

Today is Labor Day 2010.  September 6 - 2010.   A day I will most likely forget.  I can't say there is anything more exciting today than there is something exciting from yesterday.  Let me introduce me.  I am Darcy - an overworked - overtired - overbearing woman.  I am fat (please don't feel sad here I did it to me) and I hate myself for it.  Well hate is a strong strong word...I dislike it.  That is a better way to put it.  I started a blog because I have so many thoughts in my brain I have to share them with someone.  So why not blog about it?  I don't even know if anyone will ever read it.  I just know that something tells me I need to write about it.  Who has time to sit and read a blog anyway?  Well I say I don't but I do.  I just am choosy.  I love to cook.  It seems to be the only thing that relaxes me.  The only thing I post on facebook is about what I have made cooking wise for the day and sometimes a few quick witicisms.  Besides that I post how much I hate my job.  I shouldn't say I hate it.  I think if you ever worked my job you would know that we become very cynical - quickly!  I am a police and fire dispatcher and I deal with the best of the best and the worst of the worst and most annoying of annoying.  There is no other nice way to put it to be honest.  A women called yesterday because she moved to Florida and hadn't done her community service for her court date.  She wanted me to know that she was in Florida but didn't want me to know where.  She promised she would have her community service done and couldn't we please hold off on issuing a warrant.  I just sat there.  I let her talk and talk and talk for about 10 minutes.  That's when I stopped her and said, "I don't know why you called me.  I don't who you are and I really don't care if they put out a warrant for your arrest.  That is not under my control and you can contact the courts on Tuesday if you like."  She sat there and thought a moment - then she asked the most important question.  Why did you let me continue?  I said, "Because you wouldn't stop talking me for me to tell you what to do.  Have a nice day." And I hung up.  I know I know..I should have cut her off and let her not tell me the whole story.  Why though?  My job consists of talking to either really rich people who are so rude because they think that we should cater to them or very poor people who think we are out to get them.  The in between people usually just don't call.  (I appreciate the in between people!) 

I love to write - I love to laugh - I love to scream!  I love my children - I love my husband - I love to scream at them.  I am an open book and I don't hide much.  I have never felt part of anything yet I have never felt alone.  It's a strange situation.  I just know that there are people out there who feel the same way.  They love their life but wonder sometimes what would happen had they made different choices.  I am one of them.  I have many friends but few great friends.  When I do make a great friend I keep them for life.  I might not go see them or talk to them often...but I think of them often.  So here is to you - my girlfriends - my friends that have always been there no matter where I am or what I am doing.  Kelly - Jenny - Christi - Kindra - Kim - Terry - Kathryn - there a few more but you know who you are. 

After reading this - and keeping up with it...I will I tell you I will - I know I know you have heard this before - I hope you can read it and say - Sister - I hear ya!  Thanks to my sister - that was always her saying!


  1. I will follow you Darcy!! :) Vent away. Miss you!

