Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Chrisitians burn the Qur'an??

People - what is happenning?  I haven't quite figured out why on earth Christians or Churches in general would say burn the Qur'an.  I am shocked and somewhat dismayed at how Christians are acting.  I know there are two sides to every story.  I know that Jesus went in and overturned the money changers tables when they were in the temple but this, I have to admit, is not money changers in the temple.  Think before we speak, isn't that what our mothers taught us as young children?  What about don't say anything at all if you don't have anything nice to say? 

Please DO NOT get me wrong.  I am not in favor of an Islamic or Muslim anything going near the twin towers site.  I think it's wrong on all realms.  We as Americans get so worked up over the things that don't really count though.  Has anyone looked around lately?  Do you see that your neighbor has no job and is about to lose their house?  See that they might be living on the street?  Did you look and see that more families are having to reside together to make it work?  My mother has recently lost her job and been forced to move into the basement of my sister's house.  So why oh why am I sitting here chastising Christians?  I should be asking people to PRAY that the economy gets better.  Not to PRAY that my cousins don't get killed across the seas because you, as a Christian, have decided to burn the Qur'an.

I am going to visit in the Holy Bible - St John (KJV) Chapter 16 - Verses 1-8  1 These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended 2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosever killeth you will think he doeth God service 3 And these things will they do unto you, because they have not know the Father, nor me 4 But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them.  And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you. 5 But now I go my way to him that sent me; and nonoe of you asketh me, Whither goest thou? 6 But because I have said these thing unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart. 7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you: but if I depart, I will send him unto you 8 And when is come, he will reporve the world of sin, and of reighteousness, and of judgment.

Are you the judge?  The jury?  The sentence?  By doing this do you risk others lives to satisfy your own need to give "justice" for what you believe might happen?  Or would a day of prayer be more acceptable for us?  To pray that the injustice of what might happen will stop...or to pray for the souls of those who have not yet been led to Jesus and have no received his truth.  Hate does nothing but spread further hate.  Does God not teach us this?  Have we lost ourselves somewhere?  Even people who might not follow or believe in God and the Savior Jesus, have an understanding of hate spreading hate. 

We talk about how we should not teach our children how to hate.  We should teach them equality.  In my mind I will shelter my children to show them what true love is.  It doesn't mean I will tell them it's okay to take whatever is coming - but I will tell them to have a voice in what they believe in.  This is my voice.  I believe that there is a peaceful world somewhere.  A world where neighbors can love - hate will not be - and equality with borders can abound.  Everyone on either side is at fault.  The politicians for allowing it get this far - the Islamic Center for attempting to shove their religion down the throats of the American people while they laugh in our faces - the Christians for thinking that burning the Qur'an will offer the ends to this - And the media for allowing this to be spread like wildfire so it angers both sides.

Stop being mad at each other - realize that once again our media and our politicians are allowing this to make us hate.  The more that they can make us hate - the more they can have power over us.  I know in most religions there is a "devil".  A person of hate - that fuels what is anger, hate, madness, inequality.  Brothers and Sisters of the World if you don't realize this as an attack on us from the "devil" then you will surely not realize that our world is falling apart ever so slowly in front of our eyes.

God Bless The World - God Bless the US - God Bless You
Say a prayer today that we can work this out together - as grown and adult humans - standing there - staring into the eyes of the "opponent", the one who doesn't agree with you, screaming at them, that puts the "devil" into your heart.  It fuels the very thing they want....  THOUGHTS??


  1. #
    KelliSue Montague-Kolz Good for you! When we become so intolerant we have no respect for the sacred things that are valued by another religion or another human, than we have missed the commandment "love one another" completely.
    about an hour ago · LikeUnlike ·

    Shawn Shimko Went to read it.... too many words. Gave up after "People".
    A book is a book. I hear ppl saying this will incite violence, well... you wearing jeans could get you killed by a radical so it doesn't take much.
    46 minutes ago · LikeUnlike ·

    Darcy Somerhalder-Perry I knew you weren't much of a reader..but really after people? Just remember..violence incites violence..book or not...
    46 minutes ago · LikeUnlike ·

    Gary Wilkinson Wow, there is so much I'd like to say here, but it would take me forever using this iPhone.
    32 minutes ago · LikeUnlike ·

    Darcy Somerhalder-Perry well when you have something more than an IPhone I would love to hear it. Not steppin on toes..just thoughts...
    30 minutes ago via Email Reply · LikeUnlike ·

    Shawn Shimko Burning the quran is not violence..it's a statement and is protected by our rights. The radicals want to kill you no matter what u do.
    24 minutes ago · LikeUnlike ·

    Darcy Somerhalder-Perry Ok Ok Shawn...that is true...I didn't look at it that way...See this is why we talk things out...I just don't know how I feel I guess more than anything, it being fueled by Churches...I mean they would TRIP out if they burnt the Bible right?
    21 minutes ago · LikeUnlike ·

    Shawn Shimko What? You mean churches aren't tolerant to other religions?? It's the way the games always been played.... "my God can beat up your God " ;-)
    16 minutes ago · LikeUnlike ·

    Gary Wilkinson Also hiphop instigates violence. Maybe we should have a little hiphop album burning bonfire! JK!!!! LoL, but really though...... it does
    3 minutes ago · LikeUnlike ·

    Darcy Somerhalder-Perry Shawn - I guess growing up the way I did..we were taught to be patient and kind of other religions (mostly other Christian religions I can't say we really focused on others outside the realm)..the religion I am now..not so much...Don't understand it and don't agree with it...Gary you are so correct...it does and we have to be so careful listening to it...I love the thoughts you are bringing out...all of you!

    This was partial of the Facebook lead we had...great comments everyone! I love that in America we have the freedom of speech!

  2. I had some great comments on Facebook! I wanted to say thank you to some of you have somewhat changed my mind~ Gary - I appreciate everything you do for this Country! I appreciate your thoughts and your ideas - Shawn - you are right...and I don't say that often!
